Protecting Identities
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The U.S. Passport is secured by a KINEGRAM

DOVIDs secure passports and identity documents

A DOVID feature is an essential protection for secure identities

DOVIDs (Diffractive Optically Variable Image Devices) such as the KINEGRAM are security features based on optical effects created by diffraction. Incorporated into government-issued documents of value, such as passports, visas, ID cards or driver's licenses, they drastically increase security. Their production complexity and ease of design integration significantly raise the barrier to counterfeiting and manipulation.
Unlike secure holograms, DOVIDs from OVD Kinegram are known as the gold standard in the industry, as they are extremely difficult to counterfeit due to the entirely secret, commercially unavailable and unique KINEGRAM technology.

Download our White Paper on DOVIDs for further insights!

DOVIDs are crucial features for secure passports and ID protection

Secure passports and identity documents require highly counterfeit-resistant features that are easy and intuitive to verify. In frontline law enforcement or at airport border controls, optical security elements are often the most important tool to identify forged or manipulated documents. Even in our digital age, a high-security DOVID such as the KINEGRAM is an essential pillar of first line authentication.
The KINEGRAM is the most advanced, most versatile and most secure type of DOVID available. Ever since its first use on an identity document in 1985 until this day, the KINEGRAM technology is both the pioneer and the spearhead of the document security industry. From Andorra, Argentina or Armenia to Tunisia, the USA or Uzbekistan, it is the chosen technology to secure the most important identity documents around the globe.
The KINEGRAM is different from all other DOVID technologies in the market. Unlike any other DOVID technology, a KINEGRAM

  • is based on an absolutely secret, commercially unavailable, unique technology
  • offers an endless portfolio of precisely determinable optical security effects
  • can have a visual appearance and effects that are unreachable by any other technology
  • can combine different base technologies in one single security element,
  • creating an absolutely insurmountable barrier to counterfeiters

The KINEGRAM – the superior DOVID

Counterfeiting of identity documents presents a threat to national security in many aspects, from small crimes to terrorism. It causes significant costs that have to be shouldered by governments and societies. With the progress of counterfeiting technologies and the commercial availability of holography, governments can still rely on the unique and secret KINEGRAM technology to effectively protect their most important documents and create an insurmountable barrier to counterfeiters.
As embedded or surface-applied solution, a KINEGRAM can be manufactured for optical machine authentication according to ICAO’s international standards for machine-readable travel documents. As such, it

  • protects an ID document´s photograph and personalization
  • enables on-the-spot reliable authentication
  • offers well-proven reliability and expert approval
  • is highly durable and robust against wear and tear
  • can be machine- and mobile-phone-authenticated

“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts” – this is also true in securing identity documents. Due to its expert-proven security, versatility and sophistication, the KINEGRAM is the best available solution for protecting identities.

The KINEGRAM protects identity documents around the world

Image of KINEGRAM PCI security feature with a taurus motif in 3D effect.

The KINEGRAM PCI protects the portraits of all European residence permit cards.

Close-Up of Lithuanian ID Card, which is secured by a KINEGRAM PCI Combi security feature that is partially transparent, partially metallized.

KINEGRAM PCI Combi feature, securely embedded in the polycarbonate-based Lithuanian ID card.

Depiction of Taiwanese passport data page, which is secured by a KINEGRAM ZERO.ZERO Combi security feature.

KINEGRAM ZERO.ZERO Combi with unique partial metallization and transparent KINEGRAM overlay.

Close-Up of Canadian Emergency Travel Document with KINEGRAM label security feature.

KINEGRAM label security feature on the Canadian Emergency Travel Document.

Image of South African Passport, which is secured by a KINEGRAM PCI.

A transparent KINEGRAM PCI protects the portrait in the South African passport.

Depiction of Swedish Passport, secured by a KINEGRAM PCI combination security feature.

KINEGRAM PCI Combi embedded in the Swedish passport, with dominant partial metallization.

Illustration of UK Visa which is secured by a metallized KINEGRAM patch that contains intricate guilloche details..

A metallized KINEGRAM patch with intricate guilloche details secures the UK Visa.

Download our White Paper on DOVIDs now and learn more about this essential technology!

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